- achey achey but a wee bit yoga and ok again - it.
Lara had suggested that we carry on cutting and then draw letters in afternoon as we were already set up. So that's what we did.

I'm really pleased that I'm getting recognisable letters but I can also see how ragged they are. We were given some hand-outs today which have helped but the main thing I'm finding is keeping the chisel at those two lots of 45 degree angles.
Arms are aching slightly, as it's something new, learning to hold the chisel firmly but also to relax the hand - holding the dummy (mallet) firmly but relaxed enough to swing from the wrist.
- achey achey but a wee bit yoga and ok again - it.
Lara had suggested that we carry on cutting and then draw letters in afternoon as we were already set up. So that's what we did.
Back to the cutting.
Here I've lengthened a previous vertical, added the horizontal and an extra curve. Is looking vaguely pagan/witchy, not consciously intentional.
Started doing junctions, joins and serifs - not great but then Robbie gave us a demo. Makes so much more sense when I watch - what angle the chisel is held at, where to hold the chisel and which directions to cut - especially with the thin serifs.
Rolling the chisel edge to cut the very thinnest part and trying not to break out of the line - whew!

Arms are aching slightly, as it's something new, learning to hold the chisel firmly but also to relax the hand - holding the dummy (mallet) firmly but relaxed enough to swing from the wrist.
So much to think about.
Serifs are so very difficult - those wee things that seem just added on can make all the difference to how a letter looks - whether balanced, whether top or bottom heavy - very minor adjustments in the drawing makes incredible difference to how pleasing it is to the eye.
This afternoon it was swop over time and our group was back to the drawing.
I have now tried every letter and most of them are not right, I won't say wrong because there are bits about them that are correct. I need to sort out my thicks and thins - not easy when there are no definitive measurements.
All things of measure end with -ish at the moment.
But.... feeling like I've learnt so much and enjoying it immensely.
Then this tunnel.
I was told this was the servants entrance to the big house. Quite a scary pathway to follow. There is a large metal gate so I wasn't able to get any closer. It is quite a grand entrance even for servants - I haven't shown the whole entranceway.
After my gentle stroll downhill, I noticed a wee path, followed it to the shore and this view was at the end.
I forewent the evening meal in the pub, can't really afford it. So instead I went for a drive to Rosemarkie and found an open Spar, good to get out for a drive too.
Took this on my drive out.
It was really nice to make some simple food and catch up on the blog, while playing some chilled tunes. Writing/ computer/ music/ blog.....then shower/ bed/ book - all in all, very pleasant.
Oh Yes! - yet again, the walk down hill from the Stables was scented with peat and log fires - what is it about peat burning that has that calming effect on me?
I need to have a real fire, the difference it makes to my well being is immense.
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