Tuesday 4 October 2016

Cromarty itself.

I parked by the shore and had myself a wee walk - listening to the waves, which always bring a smile to my face, and the various bells and garbled/muffled announcements from the rig on the other side of the bay, which most certainly don't. Fairly strange in that peaceful spot to have the sounds of industry lurking in the background.

I was playing with the shadows because the light was gorgeous and the sun very bright. I am in both pics.

The lighthouse is a beautiful shape so I took quite a few photos of that and a wee sketch had to be done although it was awkward with the sun in my eyes and the breeze ruffling my sketchbook.

After that I went to the Old Brewery - very easy to find, no-one about though. Although, in a very serendipitous manner, Gail arrived just as I poked my head around the side of the building. In a very kindly way, explanations were forthcoming as to my room, where everything was, how it worked, and yes I could put my beers to chill in the fridge, then I was left to myself.

Settled in and I thought another wee wander was in order. Old boats pulled up on the shore, one of them might be in the process of repair but the other has definitely had its day. Blue faded clinker planks.

Cold wind has reddened my cheeks and a weariness has taken hold. Back to base - food, a beer and up to the attic room where workshops, groups and conferences happen. Lovely space.
Check it out for yourself. 


To my room early as the others haven't arrived and I feel a little nervous or maybe that's a bit of excitement hanging about me too. The others are properly trained stonemasons so trepidation is here too. Part of meekness it will be fine, but the other part feels like an imposter.

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