Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Wow, Look what we've done!

I am one very proud tutor, everyone has worked extremely hard on a difficult project. I am so impressed.

Here are some images of the finished pieces and a wee Stone carving film that was filmed and edited by Chris Falan.

Broomy's Bees

Merino sheep

The shape of the stone in the images with bird and derrick is to represent the bell shapes that were at the top of the towers on the now demolished Drumfrochar Road Flats. 

Feeling Proud

Yes, I am feeling very proud.
Everyone worked so hard and produced some lovely sculpture.

trying the tools

One of the ladies produced this on her first day, never having used the tools before. The shapes are representative of the roofs on the flats opposite. Definitely going to incorporate these into the final design.