A lovely cup of tea and a sit down.. very welcome indeed.
Checked online and no word from SAAS yet, shouldn't be any problems but I want to know I'm getting the money... couldn't get application in by the deadline because I had to wait for working tax credits to give me their figure...
ah, enough of that...!
more pics?
An oldie..
this is a friends caravan in Devon... I even used to live in it, lovely to draw.
"High Balance", the girl on trapeze picture I'm working on is proceeding smoothly.
well, the smoothly is how I'm trying to paint the skin.
More to do, then onto background again to finish off.
At least waiting in for the DHL man delivering my business cards is making me stay in an paint. no bad thing in my mind.
Then tomorrow, off to sunny Glasgow on the train for a relaxed weekend.
Probably do some work on the train though... perfect time for reading.